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Showing 1–12 of 19 results
Carbide Tip LH 55° 3/8″ Boring Bar w/2 Flats
$83.32 -
Carbide Tip LH 80° 3/8″ Boring Bar w/2 Flats
$83.32 -
Carbide Tip RH 55° 3/8″ Boring Bar w/2 Flats
$83.32 -
Carbide Tip RH 80° 3/8″ Boring Bar w/2 Flats
$83.32 -
Ceramic Insert
$32.18 -
Quick-Change Carbide Insert Tool Holder
$108.60 -
80° RH and LH Carbide Tool Holders
80° RH and LH Carbide Tool Holders
RH 55° and 80° 3/8″ Boring Bars w/Carbide Inserts
RH 55° and 80° 3/8″ Boring Bars w/Carbide Inserts
55° Carbide Insert
$14.65 -
55° Carbide Insert-10 Pack